Software Engineer

Who Am I ?

My name is Puvana Swatvanith, 2nd year student in Software Engineering, Kasetsart University.

Puvana Swatvanith

About me

I started programming for four years while I was studying at Samsen Wittayalai school. I starting to write C language to select to represent the Computer Academic Olympiad And dabble in programming competitions in various universities After that I studied create robots like Arduino, Lego Mindstorm after graduating high school. I went to study foundation before going to university in Manchester, England, but thought that I'd rather come to study as a master's degree. So came back to study a bachelor's degree at Software Engineering, Kasetsart University. During the first year of the university, I make some project such as CovidTracker-LineBot. I tried hard in the first year, until the second year was invited to be an teacher assistant in the programing course of the first year student. Currently interested in making web applications And new technologies such as image processing, looking for opportunities to collaborate with interesting projects.

My Experience

Some of my experience in last 2 years.


My 2nd semester 4 people group project in Individual Software Process (ISP) subjects. ( first semester of the second year in the university )

A website to display the Covid situation, and Line official account (using the Line reply chatbot API.)

Line official account
Github collaboration

Github Website LineBot

Contact / Hire Me

My contact

1128/18 Casa Vile,
Pathumthani, Thailand.
Call: +99-97-137-4718
Email: puvana.jp36@gmail.com
Github: github.com/Noboomta

Drop a Line or Hire Me